Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cabo San Lucas

Spent the sunny day walking around the marina and drinking cervezas while listening to mariachi music.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 15th Huatulco, Mexico. Walked around the resort town where there were numerous water taxis available to take visitors to different beaches. We hired one with our traveling companions, Larry and Myrna and went snorkling and lunching with locals. Many large angels and other colorful tropical fish. Lobsters and fresh fish available at our outdoor restaurant.

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16th Acapulco Independence Day (but no fireworks) Took scenic tour of the city along the hotel lined Itornos Beach, Condesa and Cistera Aleman. Driver, Pedro, drove to scenic overlook of the city toward Los Brisas for view of the skyline and luxury homes. A stop at Pedro's favorite souvenir shop then on to the cliff divers at El Mirador. Midnight Dessert Buffett was only for observation. Could not even think of another desert.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 14, Puerto Chiapas, Mexico My wife negotiated in Spanish a taxi ride to Izapa and the site of old Aztec ruins. Driver did not know the value of American dollars but was convinced by others that he was getting the right fare. Met a local man who lives now in L.A. who agreed to take us on a tour of the colorful city of Izapa and back to our ship.

Friday, November 13, 2009


November 13th Arrived at Puerto Quetzal in Guatemala, the country's name means House of Fire in the Indian dialect, apply named due the presence of 33 volcanoes. We took an excursion to Antigua a former capital, located at the base of 3 volcanoes. Two major earthquakes destroyed most of the city in 1773. The town is comprised of many beautiful churches and Spanish colonial architecture. It is visited by many travelers as seen here, can you spot the Americans? A magnificent resort, Hotel Santo Domingo is build around an ancient monastery and contains beautiful gardens and many parrots. Back to the ship for dinner followed by a hilarious comic who described life aboard the cruise ship.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Day at Sea

November 12th The day was spent at sea, lounging, swimming, reading, playing ping pong and dining at formal night.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Costa Rica

November 12th Took tour to private rain forest. Passed a river which numerous alligators on the banks. In the forest we rode an arial tram to top of mountain where we enjoyed sailing down on 10 zip lines to the bottom. Spotted a sloth and a toucan in the trees on our ride up. Lunch in a large open air thatched dining area. Great meal of chicken, rice, beans, fruits and juices. Started on a guided nature walk to view the snakes and flora of the forest. Only made it part way when the rains descended heavily (did I mention rain forest?). Back on our bus we passed by several volcanoes, one which is active, and small villages with very narrow streets. Rain only fell at higher elevations.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Cruising Day at Sea

November 10th We had a leisurely day at sea. Attended Charles presentation on the Unique things about Costa Rica (e.g. no army, one term presidency, very high levels of education). As members of the Mariners Miriam and I attended a special Captains Breakfast Buffet with champagne, wines, seafood cocktail, salmon, salads. Afterwards attended Leanne's presentation on Costa Rican culture. Later swam, played table tennis, and attended dance lesson. Enjoyed a cocktail before dinner.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Panama City

November 9th Our ship was bunkered outside of the city overnight, not sure why as we had time to go ashore if the ship had docked that afternoon. Possibly the need to use tenders to go ashore was the reason. On this morning we hired a taxi to take us into the city. After Miriam negotiated the rate down to $20, we all agreed to have him give us the city tour for $25/person. He first took us through the barros where people live without paying rent, moving out when there are problems and into any other vacant apartment. Next stop was to see the church which had a beautiful gold laden altar. Henry Morgan the privateer looted Panama City in 1671 but was fooled by a priest who had painted over the altar with black paint. Morgan had heard about a gold altar but was convinced by the priest that this was not the place. We next stopped at the former residence of Noriega before he was deposed by an American invasion. Our driver dropped us off so we could tour an emerald shop and viewin the city square and a cathedral where a funeral was being held for a former president. Organized protestors were also demonstrated for more jobs near the current president's residence. Then we drove by the high rent district where hugh sky scaper are being built, doesn't seem like there is an economic slow down with hundreds of workers. Next was a drive through the canal zone where the Americans lived before turning the area over to the Columbians in 1999.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

At Sea

November 7th This was another day at sea and a time to take it easy and to hear Charle's presentation on the building of the Panama Canal. This was done with excellent slides, a great sense of humor while drawing from David McCullough's book Path between the Seas. The French under the direction of Ferdinand de Lesseps (builder of the Suez Canal) labored from 1881 till 1899 but ran out of money. There failure was due largely to (1) unwavering desire to build a sea level canal like the Suez (2) failure to defeat malaria and yellow fever and (3) inadequate machinery for the massive undertaking. Their failure to accept the fact that mosquitos were the cause of the deceases resulted in the deaths of over 24,000 workers. When the U.S. reactivated the project in 1903 several issues were still unresolved but the decisions to a build a locks-type canal, to eradicate malaria and yellow fever bearing mosquitoes and to apply newly developed technology led to completion of the canal in 1914.
Tonight was a formal night with everyone dressing up in dark suits/tuxs and evening gowns and enjoying a meal suitable for the occasion. Another great performance by the singers, dancers and stage crew followed our dinner.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Nov 6th Arrives in Aruba and walked through the colorfully painted dutch town of Orangestad where we viewed statue of Queen Wilhelmina, the old prison, a wedding and older structures. A large new shopping mall is near the waterfront along with a street long array of souvenir shops. The island is greatly built up with homes, condos and hotel in contrast to the way it was 20 years ago when I came here for windsurfing. After lunch back on the ship Miriam and I took a cab to snorkel at Arache Beach, lots of tropical fish among coastal rocks, especially large schools within a coral reef. Then took the bus back to the ship for 75 cent.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

At Sea

November 5th Today we were at sea, which is a nice break with time to just exercise at the spa where there is a wide assortment of exercise equipment and classes for stretching, yoga, palates, etc. or to swim or just read. After breakfast we attended an hour presentation by Charles McClellan on the history of Panama, then lunch, then a presentation by Leanne on what to see in Aruba our next port. I could have taken some pictures but this one captures how we spent a good part of the rest of our day.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Grand Turk

November 4th Toured the Island of Grand Turk. The town of Cockburn is pretty beat up from Hurricane Ike which hit the island in 2008 with winds of 145 mps. The island is next to where John Glenn's Friendship 7 Mercury spacecraft landed and where he was taken after that flight. A replica of his space craft is near the international airport. A beautiful beach, pool and facilities have been built at the wharf for cruise line passengers. We did some snorkling and saw lots of tropical fish including the poisonous scorpion, black durgons, and needles.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Half Moon Cay

November 3rd Spent day at Holland America's private island, Half Moon Cay. Looks like Wayne, Myrna and Larry are being attacked by shark but just enjoying the 80 degree water. We next had a great barbeque on the island then back to our ship for a great variety musical show, top dancers, singers, musical band (Halcats, a play on Holland America Lines), sets and costumes. Dinner in the Vista (Land and Sea entree)