Friday, December 21, 2012

December 21st 2012 St Barthelemy

Arrived outside the port city of Gustavia on the French island of St Barthelemy. So many  yachts that the tender ride is longer than normal. We are on our way in to this island which was fought over by the Brits, French, Swedes, the Knights of Malta, and finally held by the French. Supposedly the most expensive of the Caribbean Islands. Now in the Bar de l’oubl St Barth for connection to wifi. Prices are not so bad in the grocery store along a long string of expensive clothing and jewelry stores. Very chic shopping area. Took hike to top of Gustavia overlook and light house. Strolled back for sandwich lunch along the wharf and over to Shell Beach. Looked at home listings.  Found the one we would like and another that we could afford.
Arrived outside the port city of Gustavia on the French island of St Barthelemy. So many  yachts that the tender ride is longer than normal. We are on our way in to this island which was fought over by the Brits, French, Swedes, the Knights of Malta, and finally held by the French. Supposedly the most expensive of the Caribbean Islands. Now in the Bar de l’oubl St Barth for connection to wifi. Prices are not so bad in the grocery store along a long string of expensive clothing and jewelry stores. Very chic shopping area. Took hike to top of Gustavia overlook and light house. Strolled back for sandwich lunch along the wharf and over to Shell Beach. Looked at home listings.  Found the one we would like and another that we could afford.

Arrived outside the port city of Gustavia on the French island of St Barthelemy. So many  yachts that the tender ride is longer than normal. We are on our way in to this island which was fought over by the Brits, French, Swedes, the Knights of Malta, and finally held by the French. Supposedly the most expensive of the Caribbean Islands. Now in the Bar de l’oubl St Barth for connection to wifi. Prices are not so bad in the grocery store along a long string of expensive clothing and jewelry stores. Very chic shopping area. Took hike to top of Gustavia overlook and light house. Strolled back for sandwich lunch along the wharf and over to Shell Beach. Looked at home listings.  Found the one we would like and another that we could afford.

Arrived outside the port city of Gustavia on the French island of St Barthelemy. So many  yachts that the tender ride is longer than normal. We are on our way in to this island which was fought over by the Brits, French, Swedes, the Knights of Malta, and finally held by the French. Supposedly the most expensive of the Caribbean Islands. Now in the Bar de l’oubl St Barth for connection to wifi. Prices are not so bad in the grocery store along a long string of expensive clothing and jewelry stores. Very chic shopping area. Took hike to top of Gustavia overlook and light house. Strolled back for sandwich lunch along the wharf and over to Shell Beach. Looked at home listings.  Found the one we would like and another that we could afford.
Arrived outside the port city of Gustavia on the French island of St Barthelemy. So many  yachts that the tender ride is longer than normal. We are on our way in to this island which was fought over by the Brits, French, Swedes, the Knights of Malta, and finally held by the French. Supposedly the most expensive of the Caribbean Islands. Now in the Bar de l’oubl St Barth for connection to wifi. Prices are not so bad in the grocery store along a long string of expensive clothing and jewelry stores. Very chic shopping area. Took hike to top of Gustavia overlook and light house. Strolled back for sandwich lunch along the wharf and over to Shell Beach. Looked at home listings.  Found the one we would like and another that we could afford.
Arrived outside the port city of Gustavia on the French island of St Barthelemy. So many  yachts that the tender ride is longer than normal. We are on our way in to this island which was fought over by the Brits, French, Swedes, the Knights of Malta, and finally held by the French. Supposedly the most expensive of the Caribbean Islands. Now in the Bar de l’oubl St Barth for connection to wifi. Prices are not so bad in the grocery store along a long string of expensive clothing and jewelry stores. Very chic shopping area. Took hike to top of Gustavia overlook and light house. Strolled back for sandwich lunch along the wharf and over to Shell Beach. Looked at home listings.  Found the one we would like and another that we could afford.

December 20th 2012 Virgin Gorda
Miriam took the tour to the Baths and enjoyed great views atop the hills of the island. She walked among the large boulder-sized rocks. The ride in the open vehicle apparently provided some excitement. 
An early start today.  I left the ship at 7:30 for a two tank dive off of George Dog and Sandy Dog Islands, named for the sound of the monk seals that used to inhabit this area. Early sailors thought the barking was from rabid dogs but Columbus determined that they were from the seals. Sailors started slaughtering them for food until they exterminated the species here. Diving was great with colorful coral and large variety of fish. We saw turtles, lobster, green morays, huge school of blue tangs among many other fish.
Everyone was transported to another barbecue on Prickly Pear Island. Many water sports were available including kayaks, paddle boards, hobie cats, sailboats and diving platform. 
Back to our boat now for afternoon entertainment and dinner.  Deborah Boily again gave a concert of broadway tunes. Following dinner we enjoyed a staff variety show with a mix of music and comedy. Upon returning to our room we found a bottle of napa/sonoma cabernet with an apology from the hotel director responding to my complaint about noise from late returning tender. Crafts had been raised on to the ship at 1am immediately next to our cabin.

December 19th 2012 Jost Van Dyke/Virgin Gorda

We arose early today in order to take the tender to a catamaran for our sailing and snorkeling voyage to two small islands, Sandy Cay and Diamond Cay. The first was more of a leisure swim whereas the second provided an array of tropical fish. The cat was one of many found here built in South Africa. Our crew was a couple from South Africa though Adam was born in England and Kelly in Kenya. On our return we saw several dolphin. Back on board it was time for a small lunch and a nap. The day was nice and sunny having made the visibility good on our snorkeling but a bit murky. Barbecue meal was served on the top deck with great band playing oldies. Everyone was dancing.  The Asian crew members gave several performances. Miriam and I took a night tender to the Bitter End resort town (seen here) just 5 minutes away. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

December 18th 2012 Antigua
We could have either gone to the water sports deck for kayaking, mini hobbiecat  sailing or swimming off of the rear platform or take the tender into Falmouth Harbor. We chose to go into the port for wifi access at a local cafe. After updating the blog and checking emails we took the 10 minute walk to the Nelson Dockyards for look at the many expensive yachts, talk with crew members and quick walk through of the Nelson Museum. Miriam bought a light weight island dress and then we hurried back to the dock to catch tender to our ship. Departed Antigua at 1pm heading for Tortola BVI. We joined our new friends, David and Arlene in their suite, four times the size of our cabin, for drinks then to dinner. The entertainment that evening was provided by a vocalist. Deborah Boily, who  specialized in french songs culminating with those by Piaf.
We could have either gone to the water sports deck for kayaking, mini hobbiecat  sailing or swimming off of the rear platform or take the tender into Falmouth Harbor. We chose to go into the port for wifi access at a local cafe. After updating the blog and checking emails we took the 10 minute walk to the Nelson Dockyards for look at the many expensive yachts, talk with crew members and quick walk through of the Nelson Museum. Miriam bought a light weight island dress and then we hurried back to the dock to catch tender to our ship. Departed Antigua at 1pm heading for Tortola BVI. We joined our new friends, David and Arlene in their suite, four times the size of our cabin, for drinks then to dinner. The entertainment that evening was provided by a vocalist. Deborah Boily, who  specialized in french songs culminating with those by Piaf.

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012 Half day in Antigua
We took the tender from our ship passing many very expensive yachts including the Falcon, owned by former venture capitalist, Tom Perkins. The yacht was purported to cost between 150 and 300 million dollars.  It was later sold in 2009 for 60 million euros. We stopped at Seabreeze internet cafe to update our blog then walked around the harbor. A major yacht race is held here in April. 

December 16, 2012 Antigua

Arrived in Antigua at 7am. After breakfast we gathered our snorkel gear from the acquatics deck and caught the tender to the dock near Nelson Boat Dock, a former British naval post where Admiral Nelson had spent his years as a junior officer. Searching around we found another couple from the ship, Gregg and Arena,  looking to share a taxi to Long Beach.  The cabbies recommended snorkeling at Long Beach which turned out to be very nice with quite a nice variety of tropical fish. Local spear fisherman came out of water with two spiny lobsters and assortment of fish.  
Sunset from rear deck
Captain and Miriam
Our return trip took us by a drug rehabilitation center for musicians established by Eric Clapton. Back on board we moved to the rear deck for glass of wine and view of colorful sunset. Dinner in main restaurant consisted of veal cordon bleu and ginger chicken. Stopped to visit with the British captain of our ship. Worn out from swimming and sun, we retired early. We were awakened at 1:30 by the sound of a late tender being loaded back on the ship. Wind was whipping the tender against side of our ship. 

December 15, 2012 St Marten to Antigua
Following breakfast, we took a swim, but belatedly learned there was one of the best snorkeling sites on the island just past a rock jetty.  We needed fins and snorkel but had no time.  Sharing a cab with new friends, David and Arlene, we arrived at our ship, Wind Surf, docked next to a much larger ship, Carnival Victory, and the sailing ship Wind Jammer. We were happy to find a nice bottle of Moet champagne compliments of Mike Welch. After checking in and having lunch aboard we strolled over to a very large private yacht with its own helicopter. A crew member told us this belonged to a British man who has it positions all over the world according to where he wanted to board it. The boat was about to leave for passage through  the Panama Canal. Back aboard our ship we left at 7 pm for Antigua. After seafood dinner we enjoyed listening to a 70s style band from the Philippines.  

Saturday, December 15, 2012

December 14, 2012 St Marten

Local Children getting swim certified
Devi Beach Area with our room in background
December 14, 2012

We left SFO at 10:20 pm for a red eye on U.S. Air.  No entertainment on board so the crew dosed the light and we drifted off to sleep for most of the four and a half hour flight to Charlotte, South Carolina.  After a two and a half hour lay over we were on our way to St. Martin. A forty minute shuttle ride took us to our abode, a large resort complex., Devi Little Bay.  The layout is along a beautiful beach where we had a late lunch of Mahi Mahi, french fries and cole slaw. A friendly parrot named Gizmo wanders around and frequence the Beach Front Bar where we ate our dinner. They say she blew in during a start and now thinks she owns the place. The bar is actually named after her. After adjusting to our flight we retired for the night.