Sunday, May 31, 2009

Still in Barcelona

Gaudi experimentented with non traditional designs for houses here in Barcelona. This is one of the most unique called Malada. The other photo is another shot of the Sagrad Familia where we rode an elevator to the top of the left spire. We have been relying on Rick Steve´s books for travel advise and agree with about 90%. One area he doesn´t mention enough is that there are senior discounts for most of the sites including the Sagrada. Another fun thing to witness is the spontaneous dance the Sardana which comes alive at noon Sundays at the Cathedral plaza.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


Arrived in Barcelona after long ride across the Mediteranian Coast, viewing many high rises, eroding fortresses, wind turbines, orchards of peaches, apricots, but mainly olive trees and grapes. Arrived at a hotel looking towards the 1992 Olympic site. Took walking tour of stadium, swimming and driving facility which had great view of the city. Crossed over to tour the Joan Miro Museum (which subject is the Miro and which is Miriam?) Today we took major city tour to see old Roman wall and aquaduct, and too many historical monuments to count. Columbus was met her by the Catholic Church leaders upon his return from the new world. Big monument in his honor.

Today May 31 we visited Gaudi´s famous Sagrada Familia (The Sacred Family) Cathedrale started in the late 1890s it is only half finished with a projected completion date in 50 years. This is a master work of intricate structural design.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Excellent tour of th Great Mosque of Alhambra in Granada, Built in the 800s by Moors then later in the 13th century converted to a Cathedral in the middle of the palace after Christians drove out the Moors. Driving along the Costa del Sol the coastline looks like a modern day Miami beach. On our way to Valencia, huge orange orchards, vineyards and olive trees.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


We toured the largest Mosque in Spain the Mezquita built in the 10th century but converted to a Cathedral when the Christian retook Cordoba in the 16th.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Day 2 in Sevilla

Today was spent touring three major sites in Sevilla and enjoying the tapas. The largest cathedral, St. Mary's, in all of the world (according to The Guiness Book), the vast expanse of Plaza de Espania, and the Alcazar (the Muslim Mosque). The sites are overwhelming due to their size and splendor. The cathedral altar is bathed in gold, over 400 pounds. My camera battery just went dead so I have to wait to point pictures of the wonders. What would be a night in Sevilla without a flamenco show.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Ancient Roman City of Merida

Around 200 AD the Romans built a city here with a large amphitheater and arena. These structures were only discovered in 1972 are still being restored. The theater is in the best shape with great marble columns/floors and human statues. After leaving the city we traveled through area covered with grape vines, olive trees, and groves of Robredo trees which produce a hazel nut like nut which the pigs love and grow fat on, especially black pigs. As we approached Seville we see orchards of peaches. I am trying to post our pictures and am now on a Mac which doesn't give me a view of pix.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Capital City of Lisbon

Lots of monuments honoring those who drove out the Moors in 1075, a cathedral, a monestary, bridge(almost a replica of the Golden Gate, built by the same construction company), cable cars, narrow streets and the music of Foda (Portugese version of the Blues). Huge fortress on the top of the highest hill overlooking the River Taga.

Quaint Town of Obidos

On the route to Lisbon is a vary quaint town of Obidos, a walled city with Roman Aquaduct and fortress at the top of many winding streets.

Shrine at Fatima

We visited the Shrine of Fatima which is in what was a remote location north of Lisbon. The square is huge and larger than at St. Peters. The cathederal and related buildings are now enveloped by many hotels, restaurants and shops. Hundreds of pilgrims hike to the area with many crawling on their knees the last several hundreds of yards to the location where the three shephards witnessed the apirition of the Virgin Mary.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Yes, Miriam is here in Porto, Portugal, center for Port Wine. Toured two wineries and walked along the Duoro River. City is beautiful especially along the river and the Atlantic coast. Lots of fresh fish and inexpensive meals, much cheaper than in Spain.

When in Madrid, The Bull Fight

When in Madrid it is almost a must to go to the Bull Ring. Some what like being thrown back to the Roman

Games, lots of ceremony, costumes and blood. Tickets are inexpensive, 2.30 Euros for good seats.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Avila film site for El Cid

Best preserved walled city in all of Spain. Walked the wall and visited yet another cathedral.

Roman Aquaduct

Nearly 1 half mile of Roman built aquaduct remains fully intact in the walled city of Segovia. A magnificent castle and cathedral lie within the walls.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Another huge cathedrale in the walled city of Salamanca, university town of 35,000 university students. Structures date back to prior Columbian era. City come to live in the Plaza Major about 10 o´clock with singing by the students. Huge cathedral never completed after 250 years of construction, missing altar and stained glass windows.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Royal Palace and Cathedral of Madrid

Went thru Palace early to avoid crowds also was free entry. At night the park comes alive with big band with Hollywood musicals projected on the large screen (Fred Astair Ginger Rogers, Gener Keely, etc. Splendorous rooms, chandeloirs, furniture, paintings, tapestry, much like Versailles. Nice garden viewed from sides and back of palace. Also, toured the cathedral which was being visited by the head of the Catholic church of Spain was speaking to large group of small children. Altar and mosaic window were spectacular. After lunch walked thru bustling Plaza Mayor to the Retiro Park which puts most of our park to shame with ponds, flowers, sculptures, topiaries, fountains and lakes. Park was a royal garden until Charles III opened it to the public. Another late concert (Opera) with huge cast and backdrop movie screen at Plaza Mayor.

The Walled City of Toledo

Took the AVANT bullet train from Madrid to Toledo. The highlite is the huge cathedral and Alcazar fortress which Franco´s army defended with hundreds of hostages. Surrounded by the river Tajo which acted as a natural defense. Many El Greco paintings are on display due to his having live there for 19 years.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Concert at the Royal Palace

Big party city, with great outdoor concerts, stayed up till 1pm enjoying large band with huge movie screen showing clips from holywood musicals (Fred Astair, Ginger Rodgers, Gene Kelly, etc.)

Madrid comes to life after 8pm

I´m have difficulty posting my blogs, ¨Your client has issued a malformed or illegal request¨ Maybe Richard or Gregory to send me an email to help.

Arrived in Madrid

We arrived tired at 9am and set out for Spain´s largest art museum, the Prado, heavy on the Spanish artist El Greco, Velazquez, and Goya. After five hours, we crashed for two hours then left to explore the city and join the night life.

Monday, May 11, 2009

We will be leaving at 9:05 am on May 14th from SFO to Madrid arriving at 9:10 am on May 15th.