Saturday, May 30, 2009


Arrived in Barcelona after long ride across the Mediteranian Coast, viewing many high rises, eroding fortresses, wind turbines, orchards of peaches, apricots, but mainly olive trees and grapes. Arrived at a hotel looking towards the 1992 Olympic site. Took walking tour of stadium, swimming and driving facility which had great view of the city. Crossed over to tour the Joan Miro Museum (which subject is the Miro and which is Miriam?) Today we took major city tour to see old Roman wall and aquaduct, and too many historical monuments to count. Columbus was met her by the Catholic Church leaders upon his return from the new world. Big monument in his honor.

Today May 31 we visited Gaudi´s famous Sagrada Familia (The Sacred Family) Cathedrale started in the late 1890s it is only half finished with a projected completion date in 50 years. This is a master work of intricate structural design.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Enjoying your photos and narrative. Now I have even more reasons for trip to Europe!
I did have to find your blog all by myself, thanks to Google.