Monday, March 7, 2011


Today's journey was on ferry boat to the archipeligos of Chiloe. First stop was on the town of Ancud where we visited a museum dedicated to the preservation of the early churches of the surrounding islands. Since it was the only suitable building material, the churches were constructed with wood without the use of nails. The wood and the builder also etched the wood to give it the appearance of stone. Our next stop on the island was at the Islotes Punihuil where there resides several colonies of Humboldt and Magellan penguins. The adult penguins were molting and have to wait several more weeks before reentering the frigid waters. The new borns have already left. The two species have different patterns. Once they leave the island they travel in opposite directions as winter comes on. Last stop was to pass area where salmon farms are located although we did not visit any. Though Chile produces huge quantities of salmon they were plagued with a virus about five years ago which resulted in the shutdown of many of these farms. Our ferry ride back to the mainland was greeted by local women selling empanadas and other foods.

1 comment:

the third eye said...

We are still having very cool weather here, almost had to turn the furnace on today..
Enjoy the warmth