Wednesday, August 31, 2011

On to Zabreb

August 31 Leaving Split for Zagreb

Last nights event was the Captains Farewell Dinner aboard the Athena with the traditional Baked Alaska. Our traveling companions Larry and Myrna Brown shown here with Miriam enjoying the delicacy. Today we travelled through Croatian farm land to the National Park of Plitvicka. The park consists of many lakes and waterfalls surrounded by trees and ferns and wooded pathways. The waters are crystal clear and deep turquoise in color. It takes about three hours to walk both the lower and upper lakes. The remainder of the day was spent driving to the capital city of Zagreb. We are staying three nights at a former palace now a modern hotel in the heart of the city.

1 comment:

the third eye said...

I wonder what the poor people are doing?
John G.