Saturday, August 20, 2011

Second Day in Athens

Today we arose for a quick start to tour the Acropolis before the heat set in. A strong breeze kept the temperature down but at times nearly blew us off the mountain. Athens now charges 12 euros for entry but the money is being well spent along with that gathers from the EU in restoration of the temples and walk ways. The site is so much nicer than what we had experienced 30 years earlier. Our walk then took us to the new (5 years old) Acropolis Museum for 6euros. This is a fabulous museum with great displays of statues, frezes, vases and artifacts salvaged from the ruins of the temples. Although there has been much distruction and pilfering from invaders and others the the display of these historical treasures are very impressive. Back to our hotel to await a reception and dinner with other travelers on our Dalmatian Coast cruise. Although we have taken great pictures of the Acropolis and other parts of Athens I found that my software is not allowing me to attach them to this blog. Hopefully I will find a solution around this problem.

1 comment:

the third eye said...

Looks a great start to your vaction. I hope Miriam can keep up the walking and hiking.