Saturday, February 19, 2011


Picked up at hotel for 1 hour drive by bus to Estanzia La Susana for Fiesta Gaucha. Were treated to empanadas and vino. Viewed historical residence of early ranchers. Heard history of the gauchos and their life style. Watched cooks prepare barbecue over large wood fire pits. Enjoyed traditional folkloric music and dances, including tango and boleadoras. Adjourned to corral area where the gauchos maneuvered groups of horse with assistance of a trained dog and lead horses with bells. Gauchos then demonstrated riding skills by skewering a small metal ring hanging from a wooden beam while in full gallop.

On returning to Buenos Aires we drove past one of the largest shanty towns (villa 31) built under and along the toll road. These areas are occupied by unemployed people who afford to live due to a government subsidy of 140 pesos/mo/child. Consequently the families are very large and with the subsidies they can afford televisions, cell phones, and satellite services. The working class resents this program because it is viewed as the means for politicians to get elected by buying the votes of this ever growing class of poor people.

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