Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Wine Tasting and Andes Trek


Took a day tour first to two of the Siete Wineries. Originally there were seven owner with different wineries but now there are only five wineries. We visited two of the wineries, where we tasted three Malbec and Malbec blends. Mariflor, Cuvalier de las Andes, and Le Crock. Driver took us first to great outdoor restaurant El Posado del Jamon and then on to the Pass through the Andes where General San Martin crossed into Chile and then Peru to liberate those countries from Spain. There are wild horses and mules roaming the pass but are rounded up and sold in the fall. After returning to our lodge we experienced a tremendous lightning storm with hail that drove Miriam under the covers for the duration.

Some reflections on Argentina so far. Buenos Aires could be the Paris of South America with it numerous french style structures and monuments. The breezes from the ocean and river Plata keep the city relatively free of smog. The main drawback is the amounts of trash and dog poop that liter the streets. Even the Postenos rue the fact that too many citizens lack respect for what they have. The infrastructure is very good with terrific bus and taxi services. Throughout the country the roads and highways are great although heavily congested. These roads are far better than ours are now in California.


Gregory Fearon said...

You have to move the photos around a bit or we won't be able to read about the wild horses and burros.

We're enjoying your blogging very much.


the third eye said...

MY God , you must be worn out by now.I think you both should enter the Iron Man/ Woman marathon next year in Hawaii.All those wineries and tasting you are doing must be having a slow but sure effect on your abilities to walk in a staight line..Weather here is supposed to be down around 28 degrees tonight so have some pity for your friends all bundled up in fron of the fire.
Keep us informed , I am sure you will have some great stories to tell when you return