Monday, February 21, 2011

3rd Day in Buenos Aires

2/19 Considered changing flight to Mendoza to Sunday morning but could not do so.Instead decided to go to the Botanical Gardens but first went through the city’s zoo with a collection of animals and birds found exclusively in South America and some that are not (Those are real giraffes). Next we toured the Museo de Artes de Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires (MALBA)with its collection of Latin Americian artists featuring those of Xul Soler and Fernando Botero. Next went through the Japanese Garden which rival that of San Francisco. Finished with a walk through the Botanical Gardens with many interesting sculptures. Were tired and hungry but too early for dinner in the Palermo Soho neighborhood. No Portenos eat dinner before 10pm. Returned to Recoleta to take in the artisan fair and outdoor tango street dancers before dinner al fresco at the Buler Brew Pub. Retired at 11pm but awakened by disco music playing till 3am. Portenos love to dance till the wee hours.

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