Thursday, February 10, 2011

LIma Peru

After a mishap in which Wayne left his credit cards and driver's license at home we took off from SFO to LAX and then direct to Lima. The service and comfort were excellent flying LAN. And we are solving our mishap with the help of our great neighbors, the Albons.

Our first day in Lima consisted of a private tour of this city of about 10 million people. Lima is a mix of modern, Spanish colonial and poorer districts. We learned of Peru's rich cultural and troubled history and now a country enjoying major economic development with lower inflation. Unfortunately much of the population is very poor with little social benefits. However, the rise of the middle class continues and one can notice the comfortable standard of living in neighborhoods such as Miraflores.
Our guide took us through the old historic section where we visited the huge and very impressive monastery of St. Francis so sturdily built in the 15oos that it has survived several major earthquakes. It has a massive catacomb containing thousands of bones and skulls. Unfortunately many of the skulls have been stolen by sorcerers who practice black magic. We next stopped at the historic Square Plaza Mayor where a changing of the guard occurs at noon around the Presidential Palace. In the most prominent location at the plaza, we toured the Santa Rosa de Lima Cathedral which has had to have several major restorations. We ended our tour with a drive along the scenic coastal area near our hotel in the Miraflores district. Had delicious empanadas for lunch and later took a walk along the seawall to Larcomar where we enjoyed ceviche and algarriba, a delicious drink made with pisco. Larcomar is a beautiful open air complex that combines shopping, food and entertainment. Quite the happening place.


Gregory Fearon said...

Nice to hear that I'm not the only one who leaves something important behind on a travel adventure. But honestly, a driver's license and credit cards. What next, the passport? I'm laughing because Pat has more than once kept me from leaving something in the room or a restaurant. And I actually had to return to the U.S. through Miami International without my passport. Keep having fun, and writing about it. We look forward to reading more. Gregory and Pat.

the third eye said...

Anne and John said
Thank God you have great neighbors!!!
You should never have deleted all your e-mail information from my reader...because I could have forwarded all your credit cards , and. financial information to you.
It seems like you are already enjoying your South American tour,we are looking forwarded to hearing more exciting travel tales. We miss you already!
Anne and John